36 Search Results for: Labour Law


  • Nancy Backhouse

    Madam Justice Nancy Backhouse is currently serving on the Superior Court of Justice for Ontario. Before her appointment to the bench, Justice Backhouse was a family law lawyer and labour arbitrator. She was also a bencher and chair of the Admissions and Equity Committee of the Law Society, vice-chair of the Ontario Grievance Settlement Board,… Read more »

  • author

  • Paul Craven

    Paul Craven-(B.A. (Hons.), M.A., Ph.D., University of Toronto; C.S.C.L, Osgoode Hall Law School) Paul Craven is a retired York University professor who practices as a labour arbitrator and mediator in Ontario. He has published books and scholarly articles on labour relations and economic history as well as legal history.

  • event

  • An Evening of Canadian Legal History -Anna Jarvis and Filippo Sposini Present their Research

    Join us for an evening of new insights into Canadian legal history. This event will explore the work of our 2019 McMurtry Fellowship recipients. Anna Jarvis, Black labour, loyalism, and the law in late eighteenth-century British North America In 1783 five siblings of the Jarvis family of Stamford, Connecticut, were forced to flee the City of New… Read more »

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  • January 26, 2023 - Osgoode Society Authors on The Champlain Society Podcast

    In this podcast episode, Nicole O’Byrne speaks to Barry Wright about his book Canadian State Trials, Volume V: World War, Cold War, and Challenges to Sovereignty, 1939–1990, co-edited with Susan Binnie and Eric Tucker. The book was published for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History by the University of Toronto Press in 2022. https://champlainsociety.utpjournals.press/podcast/wty/national-security-measures-political-trials-canadian-state-trials-1939-1990-with-barry-wright… Read more »

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  • Do you want to know more?

    The Osgoode Society’s more than 100 books collectively deal with a very wide variety of subjects. Below you will find subject index guides to many topics: Osgoode Society Publications on Black Canadian Legal History Osgoode Society Publications on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Osgoode Society Publications on Constitutional Law Osgoode Society Publications on Corporate and… Read more »

  • book

  • The Spinster and the Prophet: Florence Deeks, H.G.Wells, and the Mystery of the Purloined Past

    by A.B. McKillop, Professor of History, Carleton University. Published with Macfarlane, Walter & Ross, 2000. One of Canada’s pre-eminent historians, A.B. McKillop has restored to life a unique tale of heroism and intrigue, obsession and betrayal. The novelist and social prophet H.G. Wells had a way with words, and usually had his way with women. That is,… Read more »