Oral History Program

The Osgoode Society’s Oral History Program is the world’s largest oral history program dedicated to legal history.

Since 1979, the Society has conducted more than 730 interviews and deposited over 100,000 pages of transcripts in the Archives of Ontario. Interview subjects include lawyers, judges, politicians, and members of the police services. Interview documentation consists of transcripts.

Oral Histories are either held by the Archives of Ontario or by the Osgoode Society.  Those held exclusively by the Osgoode Society may not be available yet for circulation. Please email us for more information.

Oral Histories

Name Year Pages Location
The Hon. George Addy 1993 110 Osgoode Society
Mr. John Agro 1989 203 C 81-1-0-73
The Hon. Marjoh Agro 2007 176 Osgoode Society
Mr. Warner Alcombrack 1994 47 C 81-2-0-52
The Hon. Lincoln Alexander 1997 55 C 81-1-0-131
Mr. Clive Allen 1990 57 C 81-2-0-17
The Hon. Beth Allen 2010 186 C 81-4-0-176
Mr. Andrew Alleyne 2011 88 Osgoode Society
Raj Anand 2014 183 Osgoode Society
Ramon Andal 2022 35 Osgoode Society
Mr. Justice Charles Anderson 2011 191 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Irving Andre 2011 160 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Ted Andrews 1995 222 C 81-4-0-26
Mr. Philip Anisman 2011 431 Osgoode Society
Mr. Malcolm Archibald 2004 101 C 81-4-0-122
Mr. Ken Arenson 2011 233 C 81-1-0-169
The Hon. Robert Armstrong 2004 213 Osgoode Society
The Hon. John Arnup 2000 33 C 81-4-0-85
The Hon. John Arnup 1994 45 C 81-4-0-5
The Hon. John Arnup 1983 444 C 81-1-0-25
John Arnup Osgoode Society
John Arnup 1994 33 Osgoode Society
Prof. Harry Arthurs 1994 51 C 81-2-0-44
Mr. Donald Auger 1990 101 C 81-1-0-107
The Hon. Donald August 1998 146 C 81-4-0-49
The Hon. A.M. Austin 2007 268 C 81-1-0-159
McKenzie Baker 1990 48 C 81-2-0-11
Judge Phil Baker 1996 166 C 81-4-0-34
Mr. Panayoti Ballachey 1981 288 C 81-1-0-19
Professor Margaret Banks 1987 151 C 81-1-0-58
John Bark 2003 103 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Kofi Barnes 2010 193 Osgoode Society
Michael Barrack 2012 225 Osgoode Society
Ms. Julia Bass 2005 134 C 81-4-0-135
Mr. Thomas Bastedo 1998 125 C 81-4-0-84
The Hon. Richard Batten 1995 49 C 81-4-0-33
Mr. G. E. Beament 1992 196 C 81-1-0-93
The Hon. Douglas Bean 2000 166 C 81-4-0-59
Mr. Allan Beattie 2010 175 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Lucien Beaulieu 2001 327 C 81-1-0-153
The Hon. Jean-Pierre Beaulne 1995 152 C 81-4-0-21
Senior Justice Paul Belanger 2003 153 C 81-4-0-66
The Hon. Walter Bell 1998 207 C 81-4-0-50
Mr. Elmer Bell 1989 65 C 81-1-0-80
The Hon. Judith Bell-Oyen 1989 284 C 81-1-0-68
The Hon. Denise Bellamy 2007 212 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Jack Belobradic 1999 191 C 81-4-0-56
The Hon. Colin Bennett 1984 173 C 81-1-0-26
The Hon. Norman Bennett 2007 138 C 81-4-0-142
Mr. Philip Benson 2003 48 Osgoode Society