238 Search Results for: Asian-Canadian Lawyers & Judges


  • An Evening of Canadian Legal History

    Join us for an evening of new insights into Canadian Legal History. This evening will feature the current holders of the Society’s R. Roy McMurtry Fellowships in Canadian Legal History. Doctoral students Filippo Spossini (University of Toronto) and Anna Jarvis (York University) will discuss their research. Come and hear about civil commitment for insanity in… Read more »

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  • Christopher Moore

    Christopher Moore is a full time writer of Canadian history and  over several decades he has brought Canadian history to adults and children in many media forms. He maintains a substantial ‘sideline’ in legal history as the author of four legal histories. from 1998 to 2011 he wrote a legal history column for the Law… Read more »

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  • The Law Makers: Judicial Power and the Shaping of Canadian Federalism

    by John T. Saywell, Emeritus Professor of History, York University. Published with University of Toronto Press, 2002. For those who believe that the history of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council’s decisions on the Canadian constitution is an oft-told story, this book will be a revelation indeed. One of Canada’s outstanding scholars, Professor Saywell draws… Read more »

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  • Heenan Blaikie:  The Making and Unmaking of a Great Canadian Law Firm

    Our members’ book for 2024 is Adam Dodek, Heenan Blaikie:  The Making and Unmaking of a Great Canadian Law Firm, published by the University of British Columbia Press. Adam Dodek, L.S.M., is a Professor in the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law and a former Dean of the faculty. Heenan Blaikie chronicles the rise and fall of… Read more »

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  • Canadian Maverick: The Life of Ivan C. Rand

    by William Kaplan. Published with the University of Toronto Press, 2009. Ivan Rand had a long, varied and remarkable career. He is best known for his Supreme Court of Canada judgments in a series of cases emanating from Quebec in the 1950s and dealing with civil rights, cases which established limits on the government’s ability to… Read more »

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  • A History of Law in Canada Volume II: Law for the New Dominion, 1867-1914

    By Jim Phillips, Philip Girard, and R. Blake Brown, published by the University of Toronto Press. Winner of  the Canadian Law and Society Association Prize for the best book published in 2022. Jim Phillips is Professor of Law and History at the University of Toronto. Philip Girard is Professor of Law and History at Osgoode Hall… Read more »

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  • R.C.B. Risk, A History of Canadian Legal Thought: Collected Essays

    edited by G.Blaine Baker, Professor, Faculty of Law, McGill University, and Jim Phillips, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. Published with the University of Toronto Press, 2006. Frank Scott, Bora Laskin, W.P.M. Kennedy, John Wills and Edward Blake are among the better known figures whose thinking and writing about law are featured in this collection…. Read more »

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  • Brian Dickson: A Judge’s Journey

    by Robert Sharpe, Justice of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and Professor Kent Roach, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. Published with the University of Toronto Press, 2003. After coming of age during the Depression on the Prairies, being severely wounded in World War II, and after a career as a successful and prosperous… Read more »

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  • The Laws and the Land: The Settler Colonial Invasion of Kahnawà:ke in Nineteenth-Century Canada

    This Osgoode Society members book for 2021, has recently been awarded two major prizes. It has been chosen as the co-winner of the Best Book in Indigenous History by the Canadian Historical Association. It has also been chosen as the winner of the Best Book in Canadian Studies Prize, given by the Canadian Studies Association… Read more »

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  • Jim Phillips

    Jim Phillips is Professor of Law, History and Criminology at the University of Toronto, and editor-in-chief of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History. He was law clerk to Madame Justice Bertha Wilson of the Supreme Court of Canada (1987-1988) before joining the University of Toronto. He has published numerous articles on British imperial history… Read more »