Oral History Program

The Osgoode Society’s Oral History Program is the world’s largest oral history program dedicated to legal history.

Since 1979, the Society has conducted more than 730 interviews and deposited over 100,000 pages of transcripts in the Archives of Ontario. Interview subjects include lawyers, judges, politicians, and members of the police services. Interview documentation consists of transcripts.

Oral Histories are either held by the Archives of Ontario or by the Osgoode Society.  Those held exclusively by the Osgoode Society may not be available yet for circulation. Please email us for more information.

Oral Histories

Name Year Pages Location
David Lee 1990 48 C 81-1-0-112
Mr. Paul Lee 2007 178 C 81-1-0-148
Mrs. Laura Legge 1988 290 C 81-1-0-67
The Hon. Brian Lennox 2007 335 Osgoode Society
Mr. Jeffrey Leon 2011 190 C 81-4-0-173
Mr. David Lepofsky 2006 143 Osgoode Society
Mark Lerner 2013 162 Osgoode Society
Mr. Samuel Lerner 1990 177 C 81-1-0-92
Mr. Justice Mayer Lerner 1988 204 C 81-1-0-59
The Hon. Patrick LeSage 2008 140 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Patrick LeSage 2005 164 Osgoode Society
Mr. Richard LeSarge 1990 84 C 81-1-0-115
Mr. Benjamin Levinter 1997 115 C 81-4-0-11
Chief David Lewis 1990 63 C 81-1-0-100
Chief Glenn Lickers 1990 55 C 81-1-0-101
The Hon. Abraham Lieff 1979 376 C 81-1-0-8
Mr. James Lillico 1989 140 C 81-3-0-6
The Hon. Allen Linden 1991 71 C 81-2-0-38
The Hon. Sidney Linden 1998 401 C 81-4-0-53
Madame Justice Maria Linhares DeSousa 2014 177 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Judythe Little 2005 101 C 81-4-0-134
The Hon. Deborah Livingstone 2010 226 C 81-4-0-160
Mr. Tom Logan 1990 119 C 81-1-0-91
Mr. Doug Lucas 1996 389 C 81-1-0-130
Mr. Benjamin Luxenberg 1990 97 C 81-1-0-90
The Hon. Bruce Macdonald 1984 59 C 81-1-0-37
Mr. Alastair Macdonald 1986 62 C 81-1-0-48
Mrs. Janette MacDonald 1990 81 C 81-2-0-21
Mr. James MacDonald 2002 104 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Mark MacGuigan 1993 68 Osgoode Society
Mr. Justice Frederick MacKay 1984 102 C 81-1-0-27
Mr. Gavin MacKenzie 2010 333 C 81-4-0-174
Mr. L.R. MacTavish 1985 235 C 81-1-0-41
The Hon. Patrick Mahoney 1993 66 Osgoode Society
The Hon. David Main 1999 218 C 81-4-0-54
The Hon. Catherine Maloney 1995 93 C 81-4-0-32
Ronald Manes 2013 320 Osgoode Society
Mr. Morris Manning 2003 39 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Louis Marceau 1993 55 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Albert Marck 1995 136 C 81-4-0-69
The Hon. Frank Marrocco 2008 356 C 81-4-0-168
Mr. Alan Marshall 2008 138 C 81-1-0-161
Mr. Tom Marshall 2005 167 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Lauren Marshall 2008 200 C 81-4-0-167
The Hon. Glenn Marshman 1995 53 C 81-4-0-24
Mr. Hubert Martin 1997 15 C 81-4-0-72
The Hon. Goldwyn Arthur Martin 1985 235 C 81-1-0-32
Prof. Dianne Martin 1994 175 C 81-2-0-53
Mr. Argue Martin 1988 237 C 81-1-0-54
The Hon. Ronald Martland 1985 174 C 81-1-0-44