Oral History Program

The Osgoode Society’s Oral History Program is the world’s largest oral history program dedicated to legal history.

Since 1979, the Society has conducted more than 730 interviews and deposited over 100,000 pages of transcripts in the Archives of Ontario. Interview subjects include lawyers, judges, politicians, and members of the police services. Interview documentation consists of transcripts.

Oral Histories are either held by the Archives of Ontario or by the Osgoode Society.  Those held exclusively by the Osgoode Society may not be available yet for circulation. Please email us for more information.

Oral Histories

Name Year Pages Location
Mr. Gerard Bertrand 1995 73 Osgoode Society
Mr. A. Berzins 2003 64 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Douglas Bice 1998 125 C 81-4-0-52
Mr. Robert Biljan 1992 121 Osgoode Society
Emilio Binavince 2023 13 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Kenneth Binks 2006 264 C 81-1-0-158
The Hon. Gordon Blair 2000 222 C 81-1-0-165
Blake, Cassels 1990 37 C 81-2-0-8
Jennifer Blishen 2015 133 Osgoode Society
Ms. Sheila Block 2010 300 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Janet Boland 1993 126 C 81-1-0-127
Mr. Lonny Bomberry 1990 41 C 81-1-0-98
The Hon. Jean-Marie Bordeleau 2002 127 C 81-4-0-171
The Hon. Stephen Borins 2006 246 C 81-1-0-144
Mr. Alan Borovoy 2006 200 Osgoode Society
Dean Wilbur Bowker 1988 283 C 81-1-0-61
Ms. Marion Boyd 2001 159 Osgoode Society
Staff Superintendent Jean Boyd 1992 81 C 81-2-0-37
Mr. Leonard Braithwaite 1989 137 C 81-1-0-74
Mr. Elton Brant 1990 64 C 81-1-0-108
Ms. Pauline Bratt 1993 32 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Reuben Bromstein 1997 228 C 81-4-0-46
The Hon. John Brooke 2001 306 Osgoode Society
The Hon. John Brooke 2000 310 C 81-1-0-146
Mr. Dennis Brown 2006 91 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Harvey Brownstone 2006 102 C 81-4-0-130
Mr. Brian Bucknall 2009 314 C 81-1-0-170
The Hon. Lloyd Budgell 2004 111 C 81-4-0-170
Mr. E.C. Burton 2003 122 C 81-4-0-105
Mr. Donald Burwash 1990 25 C 81-2-0-18
The Hon. Milton Cadsby 1998 153 C 81-4-0-47
The Hon. John Caldbick 2003 47 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Thomas Callon 2000 108 Osgoode Society
Jim Cameron 2021 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Mr. Archie Campbell 2008 261 C 81-4-0-145
Mr. Kenneth Campbell 1980 218 C 81-1-0-16
The Hon. Jack Cannon 1996 138 C 81-4-0-37
Ms. Helen Carefoot 1992 36 C 81-2-0-36
Mr. Bruce Carr-Harris 2011 216 Osgoode Society
Mr. William Carroll Grant 1989 147 C 81-3-0-4
Hon. Douglas Carruthers 2012 51 Osgoode Society
The Hon. George Carter 1989 182 C 81-1-0-77
Mr. Pat Case 2009 211 Osgoode Society
Prof. J-G. Castel 1992 36 C 81-2-0-42
Mr. J. Lachlan Cattanach 2011 117 Osgoode Society
The Hon. A. A. Cattanach 1993 64 Osgoode Society
Mr. Frederick Catzman 1990 175 C 81-1-0-88
The Hon. Marvin Catzman 1990 59 C 81-1-0-96
Mr. Richard Chaloner 2002 378 C 81-4-0-102
Justice Sandra Chapnik 2019 94 Osgoode Society