Oral History Program

The Osgoode Society’s Oral History Program is the world’s largest oral history program dedicated to legal history.

Since 1979, the Society has conducted more than 730 interviews and deposited over 100,000 pages of transcripts in the Archives of Ontario. Interview subjects include lawyers, judges, politicians, and members of the police services. Interview documentation consists of transcripts.

Oral Histories are either held by the Archives of Ontario or by the Osgoode Society.  Those held exclusively by the Osgoode Society may not be available yet for circulation. Please email us for more information.

Oral Histories

Name Year Pages Location
Ms. Barbara Suzuki 1990 195 C 81-1-0-114
Kenneth Swan 2013 169 Osgoode Society
Ms. Susan Swift 2003 80 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Katherine Swinton 2013 218 Osgoode Society
Mrs. Reginae Tait 1992 228 C 81-2-0-48
Mr. John Takach 2002 124 Osgoode Society
Police Constable Robert Takeda 1991 55 C 81-1-0-120
Mr. Larry Taman 1997 41 C 81-4-0-82
Sergeant Johnny Tanouye 1991 53 C 81-1-0-122
Mr. Justice Paul Taylor 2016 148 Osgoode Society
Mrs. Betty Jane Teagle MacDonald 1991 124 C 81-2-0-33
Mr. Martin Teplitsky 2007 155 Osgoode Society
Mr. Louis Tepper 2006 104 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Edward Then 2002 91 Osgoode Society
Mr. Justice Lawrence Thibideau 2014 176 Osgoode Society
Mr. Stuart Thom 1982 256 C 81-1-0-20
Judge Douglas Thomas 1980 72 C 81-1-0-15
The Hon. George Thomson 2003 110 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Pamela Thomson 2001 244 C 81-1-0-137
The Hon. Arthur Thurlow 1992 109 Osgoode Society
The Hon. S. Gordon Tinker 2002 39 Osgoode Society
Mr. Richard Tinsley 2007 315 Osgoode Society
Tory Tory DesLauriers & Binnington 1989 36 C 81-2-0-6
Mr. Stephen Traviss 2007 305 Osgoode Society
Mr. David Tsubouchi 2011 237 Osgoode Society
The Right Hon. John Turner 1993 83 Osgoode Society
The Hon. John Turner 1999 32 Osgoode Society
Mr. Justice John Urie 2006 137 Osgoode Society
Mr. Justice J.J. Urie 1992 68 Osgoode Society
Charles Vaillancourt 2019 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Mabel Van Camp 1989 571 C 81-1-0-60
The Hon. John Van Duzer 2002 169 Osgoode Society
The Hon. David Vanek 1994 163 C 81-2-0-55
Mr. Tom Vincent 1990 62 C 81-1-0-99
Hon. David Wake 2012 159 Osgoode Society
Ms. Andrea Walker 2003 145 Osgoode Society
The Hon. David Walker 1980 133 C 81-1-0-7
The Hon. Robert Walmsley 1995 160 C 81-4-0-20
The Hon. George Walsh 2002 149 Osgoode Society
The Hon. A.A. Walsh 1993 86 Osgoode Society
Mr. James Watson 1989 59 C 81-1-0-85
Inspector Marlene Watson 1991 83 C 81-2-0-34
Mr. David Watson 1996 140 C 81-4-0-75
F.W. (Ted) Weatherill 2013 59 Osgoode Society
Mr. Peter Webb 2000 134 C 81-4-0-147
Mr. Justice Robert Weeks 2014 103 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Karen Weiler 2002 44 C 81-4-0-115
The Hon. Karen Weiler 2004 182 C 81-1-0-147
The Hon. Bonnie Wein 2003 59 Osgoode Society
Prof. Lorraine Weinrib 2007 193 Osgoode Society