Oral History Program

The Osgoode Society’s Oral History Program is the world’s largest oral history program dedicated to legal history.

Since 1979, the Society has conducted more than 730 interviews and deposited over 100,000 pages of transcripts in the Archives of Ontario. Interview subjects include lawyers, judges, politicians, and members of the police services. Interview documentation consists of transcripts.

Oral Histories are either held by the Archives of Ontario or by the Osgoode Society.  Those held exclusively by the Osgoode Society may not be available yet for circulation. Please email us for more information.

Oral Histories

Name Year Pages Location
Winston Sayson 2022 Osgoode Society
Mr. Arthur Scace 2001 102 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Eleanor Schnall 2010 214 C 81-4-0-163
Mr. Brian Schnurr 2003 139 C 81-4-0-118
Master Gary Schreider 2002 52 Osgoode Society
Mr. David Scott 2010 321 Osgoode Society
The Hon. David Scott 2001 257 C 81-4-0-139
Mr. Charles Scott 1996 86 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Charles Scullion 1997 200 C 81-4-0-41
Mr. Joseph Sedgwick 1980 42 C 81-1-0-5
Senior Master Hugh Sedgwick 1999 143 Osgoode Society
The Hon. John Seneshen 1995 100 Osgoode Society
Edgar Sexton 42 Osgoode Society
Mr. Bernard Shaffer 1991 123 C 81-1-0-116
The Hon. William Sharpe 1997 189 C 81-4-0-45
Mr. Gilbert Sharpe 2005 115 C 81-4-0-136
The Hon. Joseph Sheard 2003 128 C 81-4-0-120
Shearman & Sterling 1990 30 C 81-2-0-12
The Hon. Patrick Sheppard 2010 170 C 81-4-0-164
Mrs. Lil Sherizen Charon 1991 57 C 81-2-0-26
The Hon. Livius Sherwood 1995 30 C 81-4-0-28
Mr. Richard Shibley 2011 237 Osgoode Society
Mr. Allan Shipley 2002 127 C 81-4-0-101
Mr. Eric Silk 1993 52 C 81-2-0-49
Mr. Eric Silk 1985 199 C 81-1-0-42
Ms. Linda Silver Dranoff 2010 252 C 81-1-0-168
Ben Sischy 2001 107 Osgoode Society
Mr. Ronald Slaght 2010 252 Osgoode Society
Miss Margaret Smith 1991 267 C 81-2-0-23
Mr. Heber Smith 1989 65 C 81-1-0-78
Mr. Hyman Soloway 1991 104 C 81-1-0-125
The Hon. John Sopinka 1996 39 C 81-4-0-8
Mr. Justice Lorne Sossin 2020 Osgoode Society
Mr. Jonathan Speigel 2015 221 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Gertrude Speigel 2003 244 C 81-1-0-152
The Hon. James Spence 2002 174 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Wishart Spence 1986 220 C 81-1-0-46
Mr. Wayne Spooner 1996 160 C 81-4-0-76
Mr. Howard Staats 1990 67 C 81-1-0-102
The Hon. David Steinberg 1995 100 C 81-4-0-27
Dr. Edward Stewart 2001 78 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Lorne Stewart 1997 134 C 81-4-0-43
Stikeman, Elliott 1989 37 C 81-2-0-5
Mr. Arthur Stone 1994 107 C 81-2-0-50
Mr. Graham Stoodley 2004 139 Osgoode Society
Mr. Rino Stradiotto 2000 325 C 81-4-0-153
Mr. Nathan Strauss 1986 88 C 81-1-0-49
Mr. Albert Strauss 2005 79 C 81-4-0-126
Mr. Harvey Strosberg 2005 225 Osgoode Society
Superior Court of Justice - COVID Response 2020 2020 Osgoode Society