Oral History Program

The Osgoode Society’s Oral History Program is the world’s largest oral history program dedicated to legal history.

Since 1979, the Society has conducted more than 730 interviews and deposited over 100,000 pages of transcripts in the Archives of Ontario. Interview subjects include lawyers, judges, politicians, and members of the police services. Interview documentation consists of transcripts.

Oral Histories are either held by the Archives of Ontario or by the Osgoode Society.  Those held exclusively by the Osgoode Society may not be available yet for circulation. Please email us for more information.

Oral Histories

Name Year Pages Location
The Hon. Bob Rae 2001 62 Osgoode Society
Luther Ramos 2022 25 Osgoode Society
Mr. William E. Raney 1985 138 C 81-1-0-45
Mr. Bert Raphael 2000 224 C 81-4-0-16
Hon. Lynn Ratushny 2014 140 Osgoode Society
Edward Ratushny 2014 297 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Micheline Rawlins 2010 214 C 81-4-0-162
The Hon Greg Regis 2009 176 Osgoode Society
Mr. James Reid 2005 99 C 81-1-0-149
The Hon. Robert Reid 1994 55 C 81-4-0-6
The Hon. Robert Reid 1987 498 C 81-1-0-50
Judge Paul Reinhardt 2016 412 Osgoode Society
Mr. Moishe Reiter 1999 126 C 81-4-0-150
The Hon. James Rennicks 1997 62 C 81-4-0-143
Mr. Donald Revell 1994 77 C 81-2-0-51
The Hon. Harold Rice 1995 210 C 81-4-0-35
Professor Richard Risk 2013 44 Osgoode Society
Professor R.C.B. Risk 2020 Osgoode Society
Elizabeth Ritchie 2000 34 Osgoode Society
Prof. Joseph Roach 2005 118 C 81-1-0-162
Mr. Charles Roach 1989 179 C 81-1-0-81
Madame Justice Marietta Roberts 2016 241 Osgoode Society
Mr. Ronald Robertson 2010 213 Osgoode Society
Mr. John J. Robinette 1987 738 C 81-1-0-62
Mr. John J. Robinette 1988 738 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Sydney Robins 1997 455 C 81-1-0-132
The Hon. J. Robson 2005 85 Osgoode Society
Mr. Frank Rocchi 1995 104 C 81-4-0-71
The Hon. Allan Rock 2009 135 Osgoode Society
Senior Master Foster Rodger 2000 96 C 81-4-0-88
Mr. Gary Rodrigues 1993 52 C 81-2-0-43
Madame Anne Roland 1995 85 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Vibert Rosemay 2009 64 Osgoode Society
Reuben Rosenblatt 2022 Osgoode Society
Mr. Rupert Ross 2005 73 Osgoode Society
Ms. Margaret Ross 2008 193 Osgoode Society
Linda Rothstein 2012 200 Osgoode Society
Mr. Ken Rouff 1996 45 Osgoode Society
Prof. Peter Russell 2002 101 C 81-4-0-106
The Hon. Robert Rutherford 2000 178 Osgoode Society
The Hon. William Ryan 1993 32 Osgoode Society
The Hon. Bernard Ryan 2001 126 C 81-4-0-61
The Hon. Harriet Sachs 2010 220 Osgoode Society
Mr. Etienne Saint-Aubin 2002 66 C 81-4-0-100
Mr. John Sampson 2002 58 C 81-4-0-104
Ms. Philippa Samworth 2011 181 C 81-4-0-180
Master David Sandler 2001 226 C 81-4-0-90
Mrs. Lillian Sandler Gordon 1991 45 C 81-2-0-24
Master Gordon Saunders 2000 72 C 81-4-0-89
The Hon. Edward Saunders 2004 120 C 81-4-0-124