Oral History

Mr. John Honsberger 1983, 423 pages

Documenting the life and career of John Honsberger (b. 1923), a Toronto- area lawyer. Interview topics include: his father's law practice; his experiences in law school; recollections of various judges and lawyers; cases; his editorship of various law publications. Interview conducted by Christine J.N. Kates. File includes 11 audio cassette recordings, and a transcript with index (423 p.).

Date Started: 24/02/1982

Date Completed: 11/06/1982

Status: Please contact Osgoode Society for more information

Interviewer: Christine Kates

Occupation: Lawyer

Number of pages: 423

Archive Details

Archive Link: https://aims.archives.gov.on.ca/scripts/mwimain.dll/144/DESCRIPTION_WEB/WEB_DESC_DET?SESSIONSEARCH&exp=sisn%2065099

Archive Code: C 81-1-0-21

Title: Interviews with John Honsberger

Date: Feb. 1982 - June 1982

Description: Textual records, Sound recordings

Physical Description: 2 files of textual records (includes 11 audio cassettes (ca. 765 minutes))

Restrictions: None

Container Info: (Textual records located in container B436483 ; sound recordings located in container B436498)

Location: Container B436498 houses tapes 1-3; container B436500 houses tapes 4-5.

Headshot: John D. Honsberger