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Headshot: Bradley Miller

Bradley Miller

Bradley Miller, BA (Toronto), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (Toronto)

Bradley Miller is Associate Professor of History at the University of British Columbia, where he holds the Keenleyside Chair in Canada and the World. He teaches criminal justice history, constitutional and international legal history, and the history of Canada in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His research focuses on the intersections of domestic and international law, and he is currently working on a project exploring the role of international law in British North America/Canada from 1815 to 1914. Prior to joining UBC, Professor Miller was a SSHRC post-doctoral fellow in the Department of History at Queen’s University. He is a recipient of the R. Roy McMurtry Fellowship and Peter Oliver Article Prize from the Osgoode Society, as well as the Political History Article Prize from the Canadian Historical Association. He can be reached at

Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Books

Borderline Crime: Fugitive Criminals and the Challenge of the Border, 1819-1914 (Toronto: Osgood Society of Canadian Legal History and University of Toronto Press, 2016)

Chapters in Osgoode Society Books

‘The Law of Nations in the Borderlands: Sovereignty and Self-Defence in the Rebellion Period , 1837-1842,’ in G. Blaine Baker Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume XI: Quebec and the Canadas (Toronto: The Osgoode Society and University of Toronto Press, 2013) pp. 582 (editor with Donald Fyson).


Other Legal History Publications

“The Ambivalence of Order: Jurisdiction in the Disputed Northeast”, in Violence, Order, and Unrest: A History of British North America, 1749-1876 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019), pp. 431-447.

“Confederation in Court: The BNA Act as Legal History”, Canadian Historical Review, vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 708-726, 2017.

“ ‘Exactions made upon the most distressed part of His Majesty’s Subjects:’ The Public Debate over Judicial Fees in Nova Scotia in the 1830s,” in Pascal Bastien, Donald Fyson, Jean-Philippe Garneau and Thierry Nootens, eds., Justice et espaces  publics en Occident, du moyen age à nos jours (Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2014, pp. 299 – 314) (with Jim Phillips)

“Too Many Courts and Too Much Law: The Politics of Judicial Reform in Nova Scotia, 1830-1841,” Law and History Review, Vol. 30, 2012, pp. 89 – 133 (with Jim Phillips)

“British Rights and Liberal Law in Canada’s Fugitive Slave Debate, 1833-1843,” in Tony Freyer and Lyndsay M. Campbell, eds., Freedom’s Conditions in the U.S.-Canadian Borderlands in the Age of Emancipation. (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2011) pp. 141-169

“’A Carnival of Crime on our Border’: International Law, Imperial Power, and Extradition in Canada, 1865-1883,” Canadian Historical Review, 90(4), December 2009, pp. 639-669

“‘Political Imagination, in its most fervid and patriotic flights’: Copyright and Constitutional Theory in Post-Confederation Canada,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, 20(1), 2009, pp. 85-105