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Headshot: Barrington Walker

Barrington Walker

Barrington Walker is Associate Professor in the Department of History at Queen’s University. His primary research interests are Black Canadian History, the histories of “race” and immigration. The idea for his book, Race on Trial, was born following the suspicion that hung over black men his age following a robbery in Toronto when he was a student at the university there. Following this event, he decided to trace the connection between blacks and the criminal justice system, which culminated in the book. He can be reached at

Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History Books

The African Canadian Legal Odyssey: Historical Essays. (Toronto: The Osgoode Society and the University of Toronto Press, 2012), 416 pp.

Race on Trial: Black Defendants in Ontario’s Criminal Courts, 1858-1958 (Toronto: The Osgoode Society and University of Toronto Press, 2010), 256 pp.

Chapters in Osgoode Society Books

‘ Introduction: From A Property Right to Citizenship Rights – The African Canadian Legal Odyssey’ in Barrington Walker ed, The African Canadian Legal Odyssey: Historical Essays. (Toronto: The Osgoode Society and the University of Toronto Press, 2012), pp. 3-48.

Other Legal History Publications

The History of Immigration and Racism in Canada: Essential Readings (Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2008), 305 pp. (editor)