Directors & Officers
- Professor Constance Backhouse, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
- Professor Heidi Bohaker, University of Toronto, Department of History
- Brendan Brammall, Chernos Flaherty Svonkin LLP
- Bevan Brooksbank, Borden Ladner Gervais
- Shantona Chaudhury, Pape Chaudhury LLP
- Paul Davis, Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein
- Doug Downey, ex officio, Attorney General for Ontario
- Timothy Hill, Assistant Crown Attorney
- Peter C. Wardle, ex officio, Treasurer, The Law Society of Ontario
- Ian Hull, Hull & Hull
- The Hon. Mahmud Jamal
- Waleed Malik, Ministry of the Attorney General for Ontario
- Rachel McMillan, Gowling WLG
- Dana Peebles, McCarthy Tetrault
- Linda Plumpton, Torys LLP
- David Rankin, Osler, Hoskins and Harcourt LLP
- The Hon. Paul Schabas, President
- The Hon. Robert Sharpe
- Jon Silver, Torys LLP
- Linda Silver Dranoff, Dranoff and Huddart
- Alexander Smith, Henein Hutchison, LLP
- The Hon. Lorne Sossin
- The Hon. Michael Tulloch, Chief Justice of Ontario
- John Wilkinson, WeirFoulds
Honorary Directors
- Tom Bastedo
- The Hon. Colin McKinnon
- President, The Hon. Paul Schabas
- Editor-in-Chief, Professor Jim Phillips, M.A., Ph.D., LL.B., F.R.S.C.
- Associate Editor, Professor Philip Girard, B.A., LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D., F.R.S.C.
- Treasurer-Ian Hull, Hull & Hull LLP
- Director of Oral History Programme, Professor Patricia McMahon, B.A., Ph.D (Hist), LL.B, LL.M, S.J.D.
- Administrator, Amanda Campbell
- Counsel, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

The Hon. Paul Schabas, Ontario Superior Court of Justice
President of the Osgoode Society

The Hon R. Roy McMurtry, Founder of the Osgoode Society
"I shall always be gratified that I had the opportunity to create the Osgoode Society in 1979 when I was the Attorney-General for Ontario. I had long been concerned about the lack of recorded legal history in Canada and the fact that most of it was simply being lost in the mists of time. I am enormously proud of what has been accomplished by our distinguished authors and editors in chiefs, the late Peter Oliver and Professor Jim Phillips."
- The Hon R. Roy McMurtry

The Hon Michael Tulloch
I have been a member of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History since my second year at Osgoode Hall Law School...Since then, I have been enriched by this organization and its excellent and diverse legal historical publications. Overall, I find the Osgoode Society to be one of the most consistently relevant organiations to the Canadian Legal Profession - The Hon. Michael Tulloch, Chief Justice of Ontario, Director of the Osgoode Society

R. Roy McMurtry, Marilyn MacFarlane and Jim Phillips
At the Osgoode Society's 30'th Anniversary Celebration.